Carpe Diem: A Broncos Country Exhortation

I remember, well, the day I heard of Steve Atwater’s release and subsequent signing with the New York Jets …. It was in that moment that the lollipop-headed uber-fan inside of me died the first of what would be many minor deaths. If this is what we do with a Legend, what hope does the longshot have of career-long loyalty from a team?

The NFL Draft: The Folly of False Dichotomy

We live in a world bent on creating dichotomy – we’re not societally programmed to be okay with two preferences being equally legitimate. If I choose something ‘other than’ – it must be opposed. There are moral imperatives on which a person should stand firm – things like ice cream flavors, choice of protein atContinue reading “The NFL Draft: The Folly of False Dichotomy”

Emerging from the Shadows: An Historical Rationale for Celebration – Denver Broncos Edition

For those who know me well, you’ll not be surprised even a bit by the fact that I’ve once again pressed the virtual pen to paper, but you may be a little thrown by the fact that I’m writing on something other than leadership, team-building, or spiritual matters. Although this is far from the firstContinue reading “Emerging from the Shadows: An Historical Rationale for Celebration – Denver Broncos Edition”

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