FAIR WINDS & FOLLOWING SEAS: Faithful Reflections on a Military Retirement

It’s been more than 7 years since I delivered this retirement speech. I’ve never been so nervous in my life — for so many reasons. In hindsight, it’s easy to see the Lord’s hand at work between then and now, but in the moment, I’d be lying if I told you that I had noContinue reading “FAIR WINDS & FOLLOWING SEAS: Faithful Reflections on a Military Retirement”

An Unmasking of Sanctification

I love genuine people; I crave their company. Undoubtedly, masks are a part of the human condition – a survival mechanism of sorts, but I would argue that we often confuse being sanctified with being dipped in some sort of golden covering. Sanctification begins from within, replacing the old with the new, one Godless imperfectionContinue reading “An Unmasking of Sanctification”

Carpe Diem: A Broncos Country Exhortation

I remember, well, the day I heard of Steve Atwater’s release and subsequent signing with the New York Jets …. It was in that moment that the lollipop-headed uber-fan inside of me died the first of what would be many minor deaths. If this is what we do with a Legend, what hope does the longshot have of career-long loyalty from a team?

A Followership of Fear: Reframing the Narrative

Ever been asked to follow a leader whose preferred motivational tool was ‘fear’? If you’ve been blessed to have escaped that scenario to this point in your life, I offer my congratulations, but how about this – ever make the ‘safe’ decision (or perhaps even fail to make a decision) based on your concern forContinue reading “A Followership of Fear: Reframing the Narrative”

The NFL Draft: The Folly of False Dichotomy

We live in a world bent on creating dichotomy – we’re not societally programmed to be okay with two preferences being equally legitimate. If I choose something ‘other than’ – it must be opposed. There are moral imperatives on which a person should stand firm – things like ice cream flavors, choice of protein atContinue reading “The NFL Draft: The Folly of False Dichotomy”

The Purpose of Purpose: Employing Your ‘Why’

I was asked recently by a good friend and fellow Veteran to speak on the topic of ‘Citizenship’, and I must confess, I felt ill-equipped – honored, but ill-equipped. That’s not to say that I’ve not been blessed with many opportunities to serve as a citizen in both uniformed and non-uniformed capacities, but I wouldContinue reading “The Purpose of Purpose: Employing Your ‘Why’”


He’s gone… We’ve left everyone we loved, everything we owned, and everything we’d known – comforts, conventions, customs – everything; and now He’s gone… While not even the most astute theologian knows the exact nature of the sentiments and conversations that must have been circulating amongst Jesus’ original disciples, I’ve been thinking quite a bitContinue reading “Silence…”

Emerging from the Shadows: An Historical Rationale for Celebration – Denver Broncos Edition

For those who know me well, you’ll not be surprised even a bit by the fact that I’ve once again pressed the virtual pen to paper, but you may be a little thrown by the fact that I’m writing on something other than leadership, team-building, or spiritual matters. Although this is far from the firstContinue reading “Emerging from the Shadows: An Historical Rationale for Celebration – Denver Broncos Edition”

Tarnished Nickels: A Leader’s & Layperson’s Guide to Biblical Generosity

“But the king replied to Araunah, “No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen and paid fifty shekels of silver for them.” – 2 Samuel 24:24 NIV What should we offerContinue reading “Tarnished Nickels: A Leader’s & Layperson’s Guide to Biblical Generosity”

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